Well Im keen on paying anything right now just to get the damn thing to work on my pc!!!!!!

windows 64bit Vista, hello anyone out there? I`m dying to use my software again.

Ive asked the question several times in the forum with no response, I guess I dont command the respect yet to get my questions answered,

and by reading all these comments it looks like Magix have their hands full fixing bugs let alone fully test a 64bit version.

Maybe someone can throw me a general month when it would be ready, I dont need a specific day, I just need the hope that its coming. I have to decide whether I should spend some time really getting into illustrator as backup. I`d rather use Xara.

Ive mentioned previously the glitches in xara pro on 64bit vista start when using the edge feathering tool, after that most tools dont function too well, quick shape, text tool, drawing lines, all just appear as outlines.

I havent tried using Pro too long on vista64 but it seems that things are generally ok until I use the edge feather then try using other tools. If someone else is using 64bit with success let me know and I`ll just rip out the guts of this system and re install it