Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
You are using a fairly fresh XDA so hopefully the required changes will not be too painful.

I think you have chosen a 960px wide design page but the hung a number of items touching its edges and unticking Clip to page edges.
To achieve the wider page effect you should be using Stretch Full Width (Stretchy) for the Brown NavBar backing. The NavBar should be Text and not images (Just a demo?).
The top graphic should really be four items:
  1. Speaking of Radio - JPG image
  2. Conversations - Text
  3. Radio Listeners - PNG image - to handle the Stretch background
  4. Background - Stretchy Box

(The Footer is all an image so I think you Grouped as a single image just to demonstrate layout for us)
The Brown Footer should also be Stretchy.

You should increase the page width to 1280px.
I would add a White Stretchy Box underneath all content to make the site look wide.

Finally, in Web Properties > Export, set Scale to fit width, maximum 1920px.

When you then reduce the browser with, the web page sclaes down accordingly but still all is visible.

If you go too small and you don't like that then you need to consider adding a Variant.

I would also consider Optimising all images and if you have the option, enable WebP images.

Thanks Acorn, I will try these.