I purchased X Builder a couple months ago and just used it for a new customer website project. Fairly simple, had to rewatch the video a couple of times. Took a bit of time to create a 2 page draft but it is closer to what the customer ask for and should be faster on the next site, and the next site...

All in all an excellent value. For those that commented on how much content there is, you are correct. Half my time was spent selecting which block to use. But at the risk of some sameness of sites I will eventually have a short list to use that is less than the total 840 blocks that are provided.

Sure you could create all these yourself, but at the price point they are offered it would just be silly. All in all I'd give X Builder a 4 out of 5 star rating. 5 stars would come with making it a bit easier to "find" the right block and a little easier and cleaner insert the block functionality.

Here is the rough draft for the customer for general look and feel. The menu is there but only have a home and contact page built. Should finish the whole site this week.
