Hi all -

My Goal: For a ~20 page website I would like to password-protect one or two of the pages to restrict who can access them. For example, I'll want a "Board Members Only" page that is restricted to only active board members.

What I've Found Out Thus Far: From searching threads here I've not found any built-in support in Xara for this. There are some third party solutions (e.g., coffecup.com) but I would like a simpler approach if possible. Other threads on this topic discuss that if the pages are placed in a subfolder off of the main website's root folder, and if those subfolders are password-protected on the server, we'd essentially get to where we want to be.

My Questions:
  1. How do I inform Xara Designer Pro X to publish a specific page(s) to a specific subfolder?
  2. Do I need to do anything after doing the above to resolve references to the page(s) now in the subfolder that are referenced on any other page. (I am assuming the answer is No.)
  3. Do I need to do anything else? For example, do I need to manually delete the older copies of the pages moved to the subfolder that were originally published to the website's root folder. (Again I assume the answer to this is No).

Thanks for your advice!

Alex E. Luyando J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C. Microsoft Visual FoxPro Development and IT Project Management (PMP) Consulting