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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    I've been using Windows 8 since the first of year.

    I also have a Nokia Lumea with Windows 7.5 which was like a pre-release of Windows 8.

    I like it. I did not try to make it like Windows 7. What's the point? It takes almost no time to get the idea.

    I do get the feeling that the product is not quite there yet. Unless you are dealing with one of the Metro apps, you are working in the Window's 7 desktop. I would have expected more integration and a one screen environment. Or at the least, a desktop environment that looks like it belongs to the Metro screen world.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    I am quite positive about the experience, I thought that Vista was the first really stable and error free OS in my experience so long that you had enough memory and used programmes that were designed to run on Vista. It was so slow to boot up after a period of time and it wasn't that great at running movies, slideshows and it wasn't visual enough when compared to your phone. Now we have a fresh OS which is also stable, super fast in boot up time, error free and it's nearly there with the visuals. MS is not asking the earth for the product, I paid under £15 for the download upgrade, a few years back remember what you paid for Vista. Yes there are a few gaps if you're using desktop but remember the systems that it has to cover as a OS. I find it a great way to get news, weather and Apps. without having to use Google. Because also I have a Windz 8 phone I have no problems with the dreaded DRM moving music around and don't have to use I Tunes which I think is a terrible programme and won't have it on my main computer.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    ZDNet had an interesting article this morning http://www.zdnet.com/just-how-much-d...-8-7000013319/
    I now have a windows 8 machine but I haven't started using it for anything but watching BBC TV yet, so I cannot comment on that. But I do have a Windows 7.5 phone that I like .
    Xara Software XDP11

  4. #14

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    Yes, it's often forgotten how much WindowsXP was hated and the problems it brought when it was first released into the comfort zone that Windows 98 SE had provided, far worse than Vista ever was.
    I was in the direct line of fire during the XP release working as the computer tech in a PC shop.. Was a bit of a stressful time, I remember it well.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    I regarded WindowsXP as the Disney version of windows when it came out. I absolutely loved Windows NT. Hated Windows 95 and 98 and I think my wife had Windows Millenium. Yugh!

    Vista I avoided and was quite happy with XP. Windows 7 has been really good (though it won't update my wife's Dell properly). Windows 8 will get there too.

    ..almost forgot, I used Windows 2000 for a while too!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    Ok, where to start?

    I am using Win8 but not the goofy interface provided if I can possibly avoid it. It does not belong on a desktop......period.....bad choice to not have a proper desktop for those user types to immediately boot into and work from. I understand the reason for doing this but as usual, MS has done something that is EXTREMELY unpopular for most from what I've seen.....and feel.

    I am progressively changing my default opening programs one by one as I use them to avoid being in the Metro Screen....the point? It's not good for desktops....period! That is the point, I expected much better from MS this time as they seem to have been getting better at progressing with their OSs. The Metro desktop doesn't belong on a desktop, so it is misnamed. It belongs on portable device that will support it as that is where it functions best....get a touch screen you say? No thanks, my mouse still works just fine thank you and I don't have carpel tunnel yet but I'd bet I would have in a few months of swiping across a 23" screen time after time playing with that screen.

    Metro has it's place as does a Win7 type desktop. That option should have been a switch within Win8, and perhaps it will become one yet with an improvement (read patch) down the road.

    I HAVE made my PC Win7ish just because I like it, it works for my desktop and I'm very familiar with it. That is the point.....if you don't use portable devices then Metro is likely not for you....if you do use Metro on a touch screen, watch out for your Tommy John surgery in the near future....

    You may be able to tell from my tone that I don't like the Metro interface (which btw MS is promoting voraciously on TV as it has truly been their worst endevour yet for a new look) and my mind will certainly not change for desktop use.

    Desktop use is most likely going the way of the dodo sometime in the near future but until then, I expect to have a user interface that works......Metro certainly does not.

    Sorry this is so long, btw, I'm a very seasoned PC user and tech so if you're thinking this is a newby type statement, rest assured, I've seen, played, used, discarded, upgraded, removed, troubleshot, cursed at and installed every iteration of MS O/Ss that have existed....

    When I go into Metro, I have no real problem working very briefly in it and am sure I could get used to it but am not interested, it doesn't work efficiently for me as a desktop so why use it?

    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
    -Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    Speaking of windows 8 i came to know that the security of the os is to low compared to win7

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Holland Patent, NY, USA

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    Quote Originally Posted by technobyte View Post
    Speaking of windows 8 i came to know that the security of the os is to low compared to win7
    I'm curious to see what evidence there is for that.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Holland Patent, NY, USA

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    More Win8 fodder.

    Also, regarding earlier versions, WinXP was a huge improvement over Win95/98 for our company when we adopted it. Desktop support dropped significantly as XP's memory management was better and was overall much more stable. Win95/98 would crash requiring a complete reinstall, on a not infrequent basis. It's not that XP was completely bulletproof, but it was substantially better.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Windows 8 .. ..worse than Vista!

    Quote Originally Posted by StevenWWinters View Post
    if you really want to make it act like the Win7 desktop, there are ways.
    yes, format the drive and install win 7 or ubuntu

    win 8 on the desktop is a disaster of a nightmare mixed with a catastrophe, like putting a turbo on a lawn mower, interesting for a few seconds but actually gets in the way of cutting the grass

    its fubndamentally flawed, telephones and tablets are portait, desktop are not, telephones and tablets are for fingers, desktops are not

    when i'll finallystop using a mouse-driven desktop computer it'l be because somebody invented a way to be as productive as i am now with a large graphics capable tablet, but you can be sure that it certainly wont be running windows 8 which i think will be as widely derided as vista is now

    just my opinion, but i really do think win8 is just awful
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