I agree. We should play nice. I was not offended, except by the angry response to Michelle's fairly normal suggestions.

This section baffles me. People who don't work for Xara often respond to suggestions in the Dear Xara section (although no response is usually required). And they usually respond negatively, even if someone is only expressing ideas. Generally speaking, people who make suggestions and have ideas are not being critical of Xara. I think it's nice of people to take the time to think properly about Xara, and go to the trouble of posting here. It's free market research and feedback for Xara, and it is entirely a matter for Xara whether they want to listen or not. Presumably they do, or why have the section? It's also very nice that the Xara fanbase is so loyal, but how can there ever be any discussion if ideas are dismissed out of hand? Many features in Xara are of no interest to me in my work, but I am always interested to hear which are a must-have for other people.

If suggestions make experienced Xara users annoyed, then perhaps it would be better if they were submitted privately to Xara, so people can express their thoughts freely.

Perhaps it is a cultural thing, but must-have here is not an insult. It must mean something different in different countries? Perhaps the caps annoyed more than the words? But that's just typing.