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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Well the problem is basic, some people don`t mind giving up their
    rights and others do. That is basically it.
    And if I was a baddy, there are many ways to coverdly film and
    take pictures anyway.
    And yes, a policejob is hard, it would be a lot easier if in any home
    there was CCTV camera's, you know against domestic violence and
    other bad stuff, so I advice anyone who gladly give up their rights,
    to make such a system in their home and hook it up to you nearest
    policestation, you would make the policemens job a lot easier.
    (Yes I know you have nothing to hide. )
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    here's a little something on the general lines of freedom to photograph that might interest you:


    now, where did I leave that copy of 'DUNE' .......
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    BC Canada

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    I believe one of the most important things you can teach your children, is their "Rights", I don't believe this is taught at all in schools. Rights obviously differ from country to country, but you would be amazed at the amount of people, young or old, who have no clue on what police are allowed to do.

    To, me, this would be one of the things needed to be done to preserve our rights, for our children's sake.

    (Yes the RCMP Montebello story Video-Here is true and is also featured on CBC, and there is some question about the recent Olympics clash being conducted in the same way, yes there are some good guys and bad apples, however then the provocateur becomes a useful tool and seems to be in constant use, you start to question if this is now authorized standard procedure)

  4. #24

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    As a single example of the gross over-consideration for potential terrorists, give serious attention to the very recent (Christmas day, 2009) example, when a 4-year old disabled child (born premature, has malformed ankles and low muscle tone in his legs ... was just starting to walk at the time of the incident), was forced by the TSA ([U.S.] Transportation Security Administration) to 1) remove his leg braces, and then 2) "walk" through a metal detector on his own volition, to ensure that he was not a terrorist carrying some detonatable explosive.

    reference, and elsewhere ...

    What kind of irresponsible torture is this for a diabled child who's headed for his first trip to Disney World?

    F'ers, or
    Q'ers, or
    Last edited by cursor; 23 February 2010 at 11:43 PM. Reason: corrected a misspelled word

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Got no problem with the Rights of Man

    What I have got a problem with is the assertion that being asked to explain what you are doing, and accounting for yourself when you don't happen to feel like it, is somehow in breach of these.
    It isn't. It never has been.
    That kind of attitude is soooh self-centered and arrogant, insecure even.
    [And lets not go into deliberately provocative - no monopoly on that on any side of a given fence]

    As for whether the authorities are going about these things the right way, well maybe not, but this does not mean they are not on your side. It does not mean there isn't a better way to deal with it.

    @ CURSOR

    I think the comments after the piece sum things pretty well...
    [10 bucks and hour - and possibly half a days training?]
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #26

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    That's quite the unnessary (and uninformed) attack, don't you think?
    @ CURSOR

    I think the comments after the piece sum things pretty well...
    [10 bucks and hour - and possibly half a days training?
    With all due respect (and I'm not at all sure what level is appropriate), I suspect that you don't have a clue what my earmed education level might be, nor what my monetary worth is (as if either value should determine the weight of my expressed opinion as a responsible member of society). Seriously, you really can't possibly know who I am, handrawn.
    Last edited by cursor; 24 February 2010 at 12:41 AM.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Cursor, I think Steve was referring to Tim in Texas's comment after the article?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    I think it would better to close this thread. And never to post such a controversial subjects on these forums again.
    It produces unnecessary conflicts inside the otherwise very friendly community which we are lucky to have here. Our political, social, religious and some other points may differ but I'm sure we are all here because of things that unite us - the graphics, the art, the Xara products.
    There's a lot of other forums specialised on discussing politics, social and other such aspects of our lives, so removing such subjects from this board will surely not reduce anyones ability to discuss them.

    Quote from the forum rules:
    We do not actively restrict topics of conversation, but TalkGraphics.com was not designed for heated debates. We ask you to refrain from volatile subjects such as religion or politics and keep the intended spirit of TalkGraphics.com in mind.
    Thank you for understanding.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Cursor, I think Steve was referring to Tim in Texas's comment after the article?
    Yes I was, - sorry for the misunderstanding - my original draft mentioned Tim from Texas - seems I missed out the specific reference after revision, but nevertheless the parenthesis certainly refers to that which goes before - the comments after the piece [ie the blog/article/copy - call it what you will]


    Quote Originally Posted by cursor View Post
    That's quite the unnessary (and uninformed) attack, don't you think?
    See above - again sorry for not being clearer
    Last edited by handrawn; 24 February 2010 at 06:53 AM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    I think it would better to close this thread. And never to post such a controversial subjects on these forums again.

    It was originally just a video, the discussion came later.
    be aware, not to become a ware.



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