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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    we should not take either the journalist's report or the length and content of video as the complete story.
    no - that would be frankly......

    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    BC Canada

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Wow, I can't believe the response here is lay down and take it???
    We people have rights, our natural laws that protect us from harassment from authorities. And it seems a few of us are willing to have our rights trampled for this obscure "terrorism" excuse.

    Hitler did the same thing, it was a process that took a couple of years before people started willingly being led to the furnaces.

    The Governments are in real trouble, why? because if you actually read about some of the crimes they have committed, and if people realize the fraud they have committed, the people would up-rise and tar/feather them like they did in the old days.
    And I believe people are waking up to this and the Government need to take action against a potential up-rising, under a guise of "protecting" us from terrorists.

    You think the police are your friends? I'm in Canada where the RCMP themselves dress up in black balaclavas and bust windows in order to make it look like legitimate protesters are anarchists. (Yes they have been caught and charged, as well as charges dropped, due to the fact that RCMP cannot seem to charge their own officers, which the people are trying to change).
    And yes, I even have a brother-in-law in the RCMP... boy I bet he is getting a reality check.

    Thing is, there should be no reason for this type of police behavior. There are ways to actually pursue to charge this gentleman with the camera, however the Judiciary that they need to gain the warrant from would likely ridicule the officer for wasting his time and the public's money.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    A few bad apples within a police force doesn't make the whole force criminals. It's a bit of a stretch going from a policewoman trying to get a photographers name and the association with hitler, goverment abuse and the whole of canada policed by criminals.

    I should imagine that your brother in law is a bit shocked, but still confident he is one of the good guys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatude View Post
    Wow, I can't believe the response here is lay down and take it???
    My answer to that is - if you want to win a war, fight the right battles

    We people have rights, our natural laws that protect us from harassment
    Pie in the Sky - we people [and that is all of us no matter who we are] have responsibilites that provide us with priveleges if we abide by them

    Hitler did the same thing, it was a process that took a couple of years before people started willingly being led to the furnaces.
    out of context hyperbole

    The Governments are in real trouble, why? because if you actually read about some of the crimes they have committed, and if people realize the fraud they have committed, the people would up-rise and tar/feather them like they did in the old days.
    And I believe people are waking up to this and the Government need to take action against a potential up-rising, under a guise of "protecting" us from terrorists.
    good old fashioned 'them and us' posturing the curse of mankind throughout its entire existance

    You think the police are your friends? I'm in Canada where the RCMP themselves dress up in black balaclavas and bust windows in order to make it look like legitimate protesters are anarchists.
    I don't know if this is true - but if it is, it only shows that this sort of thing can happen anywhere

    There are ways to actually pursue to charge this gentleman with the camera

    I think Steve is right - 'divide and conquor' goes back a long, long way....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    Well the problem is basic, some people don`t mind giving up their
    rights and others do. That is basically it.
    And if I was a baddy, there are many ways to coverdly film and
    take pictures anyway.
    And yes, a policejob is hard, it would be a lot easier if in any home
    there was CCTV camera's, you know against domestic violence and
    other bad stuff, so I advice anyone who gladly give up their rights,
    to make such a system in their home and hook it up to you nearest
    policestation, you would make the policemens job a lot easier.
    (Yes I know you have nothing to hide. )
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    here's a little something on the general lines of freedom to photograph that might interest you:


    now, where did I leave that copy of 'DUNE' .......
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    BC Canada

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    I believe one of the most important things you can teach your children, is their "Rights", I don't believe this is taught at all in schools. Rights obviously differ from country to country, but you would be amazed at the amount of people, young or old, who have no clue on what police are allowed to do.

    To, me, this would be one of the things needed to be done to preserve our rights, for our children's sake.

    (Yes the RCMP Montebello story Video-Here is true and is also featured on CBC, and there is some question about the recent Olympics clash being conducted in the same way, yes there are some good guys and bad apples, however then the provocateur becomes a useful tool and seems to be in constant use, you start to question if this is now authorized standard procedure)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Anti social photographer is arrested

    As a single example of the gross over-consideration for potential terrorists, give serious attention to the very recent (Christmas day, 2009) example, when a 4-year old disabled child (born premature, has malformed ankles and low muscle tone in his legs ... was just starting to walk at the time of the incident), was forced by the TSA ([U.S.] Transportation Security Administration) to 1) remove his leg braces, and then 2) "walk" through a metal detector on his own volition, to ensure that he was not a terrorist carrying some detonatable explosive.

    reference, and elsewhere ...

    What kind of irresponsible torture is this for a diabled child who's headed for his first trip to Disney World?

    F'ers, or
    Q'ers, or
    Last edited by cursor; 23 February 2010 at 11:43 PM. Reason: corrected a misspelled word



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