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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Simpleviewer on new website

    Hi all,

    I promise I've searched all threads about simpleviewer and am still confounded. I am using simpleviewer on the Portfolio page of a website I made in XWD and it shows up fine in the preview window but when I publish and go to the published site the Portfolio page comes up and Simpleviewer displays the message "Gallery not Found". I always export to HD first. I'm thinking it has something to do with the file structure but I can't figure out why it loads fine in the preview but won't publish correctly. Any Ideas?

    Here is my website - B4&After

    Thanks in advance, Ken

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    South Wales

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Hi Ken I cant help you with your problem having a mini nightmare myself at the mo with flash but Im cinfused, this seems to be just a normal click and view photo gallery why not use one of the built in ones in WD? Make life loads simpler.

    May have hold of the wrong end of the stick so appologies if I have
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 02 June 2009 at 07:43 PM. Reason: Please do not quote IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING POSTS

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Thanks Chris - I just like the look of Simpleviewer better than the photo galleries I have seen in XWD but I remain open to other suggestions. Is there a photo gallery that is similar to Simpleviewer you know of? Thanks again.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Hi Ken,

    Here's a SV gallery embedded into an XWD page using an 'iframe'

    SIMPLEVIEWER with Thumbnails

    The iframe code calls the SV created index.html.
    All SV created files were placed inside the XWD created index_htm_files folder.

    <iframe src=index_htm_files/index.html width=100% height=100% frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe>

    Optional: You can edit the gallery.xml in note pad to change some of the SV display variables:

    <simpleviewergallery maxImageWidth="1024" maxImageHeight="1024" textColor="0xFFFFFF" frameColor="0xffffff" frameWidth="4" stagePadding="40" navPadding="10" thumbnailColumns="7" thumbnailRows="1" navPosition="bottom" vAlign="left" hAlign="bottom" title="APRIL 2009" enableRightClickOpen="true" backgroundImagePath="images\bg.jpg" imagePath="" thumbPath="thumbnails/"><image>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Oh wow, you lost me at Iframes

    Can you point me to a place I could learn about them. Thanks - this looks promising


  6. #6

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Think of an iframe (inline frame) as a window to another place.
    In this case, the SIMPLEVIEWER start page.

    Have a look at the attached .web file (used for the example site in my previous post) and see centre placeholder. Open the Web Properties 'Placeholder' tab.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 02 June 2009 at 10:55 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    OK - that makes sense. But I can't get that method to work either. (still)

    As I've published for the 246th time, I've been noticing that no matter what I do (either using the iframe or flash viewer) the portfolio images are not uploading to my server. Why is that?

    Thanks Sledger.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Quote Originally Posted by kfoster View Post
    Why is that?
    No idea, as I don't know what you are actually doing

    Here's the process:
    Before creating the iframe placeholder, export your site to your HDD.
    You will now have an index.htm and an index_htm_files folder.
    All your SV files/folders should be moved to the index_htm_files folder.
    Create the placeholder rectangle and add the iframe code.
    The placeholder iframe should reference the index.html which resides in the index_htm_files folder.
    Export once more, overwriting the first index.htm

    Publishing via Web Designer will upload the index.htm AND the index_html_files folder, including everything which is inside that folder.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    I'm almost there I think. I followed your process and things were looking better. I went back to do some fine tuning, changed the bacxkground color in Simpleviewer to the dark blue of my website and then something went wacky. The site looks fine when I'm working on it but when I export and preview it's all messed up. Would you take a look at it and see if it can be salvaged? If not, I'll just start up from where I did this morning and retrace my steps.

    Thanks, Ken
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Simpleviewer on new website

    Ken, first of all, I think your site is starting to look pretty nice. I like your 'Process' page where you have to scroll horizontally (I would perhaps indicate that it is a horizontally scrollable page in the left upper corner though). The Issuu powered content on the 'Good Stuff' page is also interesting.

    About SimpleViewer on your 'Portfolio' page. I used the following approach: On the SimpleViewer site there is an option to create SV-albums with the aid of a small, third-party program called Porta. Here is the LINK. With it you can create a web page and all the relevant album files. It also has various options to customize the looks of your album. All very easy.

    You, then, can place that web page (and auxiliary folders and files) in a separate folder in your index_htm_files folder. Now you only have to put the link to the index.html page of the album in the placeholder on your 'Portfolio' page. This is the code that I used for it:
    <iframe name="mainframe" id="mainframe"
    z-index:1;" src="FILE_PATH" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"
     allowtransparency="true">Your browser does not support inline frames
     or is currently configured not to display inline frames.</iframe>
    Replace FILE_PATH with the correct path.




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