I'm trying out the website creation features of XX4 and a couple of things occur to me.
1. If I use Popups for navigation I could potentially end up with far too many layers to be manageble. Cue another call for a layer grouping feature!

2. (And this one has me foxed) If I were to want to put a web site created in XX4 on the web I am going to need the first page to be called index.html. To do this it seems like my site and indeed every site I make will have to be called 'Index' and then each of the pages would be index1, 2 3 etc.?

I have tried to rename the first page of my site to index but then links to the first page don't work. It also reverts to the original site name when I export again with corrected links.

Can any web type guy help me out with this? I'm probably missing something pretty obvious,