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  1. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: The WD HTML structure furore

    I don't know John (covoxer)... However, I have read ALL of his posts here at TG... How about a reality check please? The man is not stupid, ok? It should be obvious if you read his posts... He knew/knows exactly what he's doing.

    The code generated by Xara WD is not there to mess with some code purists', visually impaired's or know-it-all's head. IT IS merely the result when you make it possible for ANYONE (even your grandma) to create a nice looking website. PERIOD.

    I just don't get the code whining... It is what it is -- the average individual will see the end result with all the nice 'huffen-puff' ™. It looks good = smiles all-around for the concerned parties.

    As for the concern of the visually impaired... Yes, optimally you want everyone to see your artwork and read your writing but it's never going to happen -- you can take that one to the bank. No matter what legislation, people will do what THEY CAN DO.

    Heck, I'm supposed to keep my stairs clean for the mailman... I don't always do that on all the days in January and February, so I lose out on some mail... However, I would TRY to look for solutions if I knew that 100% clean stairs helped me feed my kids. It's a choice I make... Ok, so the mailman hates me -- I'll live with it.

    People are struggling and getting ripped off every day when it comes to getting small and nice-looking websites designed and online. Xara XD makes it possible for everyone to get things done for an insignificant amount of money. Oh, the horror!

    Personally, I like CMS solutions as my websites have hundreds/thousands of web pages; to clear things up a bit (I'm not a "fan boy"). Instead of whining about "code"... How about just whining about (the customary...) things that don't work in terms of WYSIWYG implementation? THAT can be worked on...

    Xara WD is a real solution for many people. It might not be the right for you or me... Well, that's just how it is, isn't it? So, some of us have to make do with other solutions.

    Give Xara and John some credit, please! Why not focus the whining about execution? It's much more constructive (and fun to lurk and read about).

    My two (ignorant) 2 cents worth.

    Last edited by RTK; 08 March 2009 at 05:56 AM. Reason: Some spelling



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