I like the new version of Xtreme Pro, but there are a couple of glitches that I can't figure out how to get around.

1. When I draw a line, as soon as the end of the line gets close to the beginning of the line it snaps the two ends together. Sometimes this is what I want to happen, but other times I don't want it to happen. How can I prevent this automatic snapping? In the previous version it would only close the shape when the two ends touched. Now it happens when the two ends are close.

2. The other thing is that when I draw a line with a stroke shape and want to change the line, I would double click on a new stroke shape in the line gallery. This would change only the line selected. However, now when I do this, it not only changes the shape of the line but resets the shape for any future lines drawn. I liked it better how it used to be--double clicking on a shape while a line was selected only resulted in that one line changing--not resetting the shape altogether.

Is there anything I can do to change these two things? If not, I may go back to the previous version of Pro.