Hi stygg—

Using a color, in a production sense—real printing, not designing for the screen—means paper color. IOW, you only have the luxury, unless you want to spend £££££££ advertising an event that's by it's nature a cheap one, to print solid black on whatever paper stock you can use.

This is why I recommended in the video that you buy some fluorescent paper (neon, Day-Glow, they sell Astrobrite's at out local tech/business supply store). Because you're not going to print this in full colour...it's too expensive to do it commercially for this sort of event, and you can't/don't want to use an inkjet, because you KNOW it will rain the day before and the inkjet prints will run.

I'd like to to give this another go, please, stygg. You were at a disadvantage because you thought you could use more than one colour.

Strip the info down to the essentials—you have tow "selling" lines when you only need one in the Xara file, and play with the text. Pretend you have snippets of text on a physical piece of cardboard on the kitchen table. Shuffle the pieces around. Then take into account that in Xara you can scale text, something you can't do with printed text.

This is truly a design challenge, and also an advertising challenge.

The fewest words, the most attention-getting design.

The winner gets a lawn flamingo.
