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  1. #681
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Could you use the framework that's there and have each popup layer contain an iframe to the content that is supposed to go in it and then within the design of the iframe'd content, have that have the additional page title and all that? I know iframe's are a little wierd regarding the way SEO applies, but as I understand, as long as the content that is being included in the iframe has links back into the main part of the site and they are located in the same site (not google or some forum or whatever), then they can be indexed.

    Would this make them extra pages but still make the design work the way it is?

    Sledger (I think) posted an example of something like this in his Star Trek looking example a little while back.

  2. #682

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    That's not quite right, Pixelart.

    The text on the popup layers are exported as text, not graphics. To illustrate, I've uploaded a sample page (that I attached to a previous post) to the web. On the third popup layer, called 'c', I've added the following text, "text on popup layer c". When this temporary webpage loads, click button [c], and you'll see the text. Now, right mouse-click on the web page, then select view source from the popup menu. With the HTML source now plugged into a notepad file, search for the text "text on popup layer c". Voilá.

    So, the text is still there, and can be search-bot crawled ... but where will the searcher be taken when a link is provided to them by the search engine? My guess is that they will be taken to the bottom layer for that page. Again, I'd be curious to hear input from anyone who might know for sure.
    Last edited by cursor; 20 June 2009 at 09:39 PM. Reason: added omitted URL

  3. #683

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Quote Originally Posted by slavelle View Post
    Sledger (I think) posted an example of something like this in his Star Trek looking example a little while back.
    Yes Scott - that was here

  4. #684
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Show us your sites!


    Pretty sure no matter what the visitor would wind up at the portfolio page in general.

    As with so many topics on SEO, there is a huge blurry area of what REALLY matters and what doesn't. I don't know if this case matters or not, but I suppose there's some amount of chance that Google may look at it as keyword loading or something.

    I just did a page with a number of informative popups and I think it makes the home page "too full of text" so I'm going to probably restructure. Also, even if not for SEO, but tracking, it's hard to tell what things someone clicked on if they don't take them to a page, so it's hard to see the trends of what people read and what they don't on the site.

    I'd be interested in knowing if this iframe idea works and what the exposure of the code is in that way to a search engine. I know they will read it, but I don't know where they will think that content lives and if it would be any better off than the content being literally on the popup instead of pulled into it.

  5. #685
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Cursor, thanks. I figured out what my problem was, and you probably already know this. I had all elements for the first portfolio page grouped (text, images and link) when I copied over to the portfolio intro page as a layer. IF you leave the items grouped, it treats it all like an image, including the text. On the next layer, I did not keep all items grouped and it saved the text out as text separately, and appeared in the source code.

    I also found the popup layer method is putting all text for the portfolio items in the code for the portfolio intro page, this will make for an enormous amount of code with content that is actually only on one identified page. From everything I'm finding this will play havoc with the search engines, keywords and especially for accessability issues, which I want to ultimately optimize for a little later when have more time. I talked with a couple of my more web tech savy friends and they also advised this was not a smart move to make, the search engines will not like this and probably penalize the site. All this stuff makes my head hurt!!

    I think the popup layer technique is awesome for some applications, just not for something like a portfolio, where there are 20 pages with information being condensed down into one page.

    I learned a LOT here. Thank you everyone who gave input.


  6. #686
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Hi Lindy Jo,

    Thanks for your comments on the B4&After site. I know what you mean about the rollovers on the popup text. I have another idea I want to try this week to see if I can eliminate that problem.

    I used a program called Flash Slideshow Maker Professional for the home page slideshow but the real key to it looking cool was the initial setup of the images which I did with Xara Xtreme of course.

    Thanks again, Ken

  7. #687

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    There are some more tweaks to make on my end, but below is a link to a site created w/ XWD, using Xara MM for navigation. Thanks to those who posted instructions on how to insert within XWD.

    Would appreciate feedback, especially related to getting the best image quality within the photo objects used throughout. Maybe they are only as good as the camera used. I did optimize and also tried the photo enhance feature. On some, the level of detail was still "fuzzy" so I manually increased sharpness. I think there's still opportunity to make them better.

    Thanks in advance!


  8. #688
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Nice site: well organized and well presented, jagweb7.

  9. #689
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    Main site is almost done, just need to do other pages to link to, but WOW it takes a long time deciding which direction to take with a commercial site LOL


  10. #690
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Show us your sites!

    My website was about 7 years old. Out of date and not who I want to be anymore. So I have put up a one page temporary site until I can figure our who I want to be for the next 7 years. www.gwpriester.com/



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