Quote Originally Posted by Tazz View Post
Thank you to everyone that responded to my request. And Doug9, YOU ARE RIGHT!!! Thank you for your fix. To everyone else having an issue, follow Doug9's lead. As ridiculous as it is, instead of updating your 18.5 version of the software as it states, you are downloading an entirely new software version and it's saved as Xara Designer Pro X (19). When you click on it, it makes you register the software as if it's brand new with your serial number and email address. It makes sense now why it was asking me to delete the program as 18.5 was separate software. If you're like me, I have my program icons along the bottom of the screen and that's where I click to use them. I did that with my Xara Designer Pro X icon, assuming I was starting the updated version, but no, as Doug9 stated, it again asked for me to update. Yes, going in circles. Going into the start menu (windows) and either search for Xara, or click into the apps section you will find both 18.5 and (19) versions. That is the craziest thing. So weird. But thank you Doug9, I would have never found that, or just stumbled across it one day.
Tazz, for what it's worth, here is the logic.

  • You are licensed for two installs.
    • If you only use one machine, you can end up with v18.5 and v19.0 both installed.
    • If you have installed on two machines, the "update" will complain that you have to de-activate one of them.

  • It is an "update" as it will transfer all your user configurations from old to new.
  • If you uninstall the old first (always a bad idea), you get a new clean install and lose all your settings.
  • Not having v18.5/v19.0 myself, Magix should have pasted a new icon onto your desktop.
    • In the bad old days, the icons would have looked different.

  • MagiXara always required you type in the Licence (Serial number) afresh.
    • Never uninstall without noting the Licence (Serial number): you can do this on a Magix XDA by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Alt+1.
    • If you uninstall and re-install, you will revert down the the last registered and purchased version so you could lose a year's worth of updates.
    • Always keep a record of you purchase email.
    • Always log into Magix's Service desk and ensure your product is safely registered.

  • Unless you have prior versions at v10 & v11, XWDP or XDPX, then you now only have the one Serial number and so you will only have two install of the same version or a mix from the version you first bough up to present. I have 20 different Serial numbers.
