Its not a security dongle. Its a PIC MCU and 2.4ghz RF device. I designed it because I need to be able to talk to it.

Bluetooth is CRAP. When was the last time you connected 2 + devices to a laptop at one time. They drop out, you have to go into settings to connect to your device. No way would I inflict them on a customer of mine.

With a HID device you plug it in and it works. No fing about it just works. I have sold 1000's of devices that connect to a PC this way. They ALWAYS work.

But I do not do the PC coding. Previous ones were written in Delphi. As I mocked up the interface in XARA and can produce a web page with xara I was checking if you can turn the Xara HTM file into a web app. I want to know what code can the coms between a web app and the HID interface be written in. PHP, java what?

However since posting this I have found there are libs that enable PHP to access the USB ports.
