Quote Originally Posted by rhdpre View Post
Can this be done with Xara Designer Pro X?
I'm looking at Xara Web Galery and have I seen this page www.paulbennett-artist.com with the texts adapting to the width of the browser?
Can be done? Is there any tutorial?
No, it can't. The site is not a Xara-designed site. It is adaptive and is using an HTML DIV that scales with the browser width.

I say it cannot be done in Xara but it could, at a cost. The problem is the images.

Now I could include CSS code similar to:
#mememe {
min-width: 200px;
max-width: 500px;
width: 50vw;
to tweak the DIV holding the text but I would also need to override the current width with JavaScript. The hard work Xara has done with Repel text under all goes away and leaves a lot more bespoke coding.

As an effect is it clunky and becomes tiresome.
Xara's compromise is a reactive site that uses Variant, in which the designer controls the presentation not the viewer; especially important for an artist's site.

Potentially, Xara may be looking into adaptive solutions anyhow...
