I managed to make the whole thing work, almost. I did up 2 pan files (sources files need some colour correction) and gave each a link target button (to each other), an audio file, a logo, a geotag and an API key (Google). The first pan goes around 360degrees, but a good part is the hedge; the second pan is a partial. The only thing that does not work is the logo. I get either the PanStudio logo or nothing. The index.htm file plays the logo fine from my computer and the logo is in the root folder on the server. I have no idea why this happens with the site. I have done several tests without success.

The panviewer starts automatically. Warning, the audio starts playing automatically. I tried having the panviewer not start automatically and both the pan and the audio start at the same time by pressing on play, unsuccessfully. The audio starts if autoplay is set in the PanStudio file parameters, even if the viewer autoplay is off. If both are off, pressing on play starts the panviewer but not the audio. Not a big problem, but a solution would be nice.

In any event, here is some of what can be done with PanoramaStudio 3.2 and PanoramaStudio Viewer 4 in a website:


You can view the location in Google by pressing on the map button. I have a daily limit on the use of the Google API key, so please only do it once.