I know you aren't the overly sensitive type and I have always liked your style, so I feel fine about giving an honest opinion without having to blow smoke up your bum.

Graphics and layout look great to me, as yours always do. It's the little touches you add that make all the difference. The thin white line, the slightly faded rainbow whatnot's.

Animations: My opinion...
Have the starry background load instantly (no fade)
Have the top banner 'We Are All Unique...' fade in as it does now.
Have the rainbow whatnot's fade in together as soon as the banner finishes. They take up too much time individually for my taste.
The rest is spot on as far as I'm concerned.

Page one. This is purely individual taste...I like it all black, or, fade the starry background to end just before the 'These Are Going...' text. The coloured (spelt correctly) buttons pop more on the blank black. Don't animate the starry background, it gives me the impression it's slow loading even though it's an effect.

Love that thin white line that separates the header from the page.