nice one handrawn.

@ Ross.
Please do not feel unwelcome because you most certainly are welcome. I find it most illuminating that like me you are a/or were a delineator., I should like to talk to you about it sometime.

As for me I started as a designer at General Printing and Paper Co. in Topeka, KS. from there I went to Kansas City where I got my start as a delineator, moved to Worthington Assoc, also as a painter then to Gill Line Studio then back to Scheffer Studio, from there I moved to Dallas Tx and worked for Prelim for several years where I became 2nd in command, they sent me and my wife to Albuquerque NM to scout out the place and see if I wanted to start a branch office, which I chiser not to do, then I was sent to Tulsa OK to take over a failing office, I put my heart and sole into that but there was not enough business so I quit and went into business for my self. Then a head hunter at Hospital Building and Equipment started pestering me to come to St Louis and work for them which I finally did and worked there for many years. That is until I had a brain hemorrhage which almost did me in, in fact I was in ICU for many weeks and have been in and out of therapy ever since, the pastor of our church told the congregation it didn't look like I was going to make it, but, that was a long time ago.Thus ended the career of this former delineator. Now I'm getting old and my eyesight is horrible and my hands shake. Interesting enough I dream about painting.Weird huh.

Any how take care Ross and don't feel like you are not wanted here because you are. Also don't feel like you are a trouble maker because you are not. Sure we may have differences of opinion now and then, so what, we'll get over it.

My son was made in Dallas, born in Tulsa and was raised here and has lived here most of his life.

Well that is my story such as it is.