Well, it's not only the version number, is it? It is also the way this release was announced in this very forum. There has (to my knowledge) always been a clear distinction in the TalkGraphics announcement section between "Just Released: An update to ..." and "Just Released: A New Version of ...".

V15 was announced as new version, which was counter-productive in terms of managing customer expectations if V15 was merely meant to be a bugfix release (that ironically seems to have introduced quite a few new bugs if I look around this forum).

I feel that there is still quite some irritation in the user base concerning the whole MAGIX deal and even those small errors in communication don't really help to build trust.

When it comes to the pricing issue, I'm not willing to shrug it off.
Pricing across many countries is complicated? Well, quite frankly, so is deciding which of the so many graphics software alternatives out there to use in the future...

The subscription model - pardon me: update service - is some kind of a mutual contract: You get my money continuously, I get continuous software innovation. Not only is there room to argue that you fell a bit short on your part of the deal in the recent past, you also leave me hanging in the air now on how much I have to pay for it?

Well, consider me "once bitten", but a vendor being evasive about prices means price increase to me. Which will in my reasoning bring the scales of "quid" and "pro" of our mutual contract even more out of balance. The only "hard facts" about pricing I get are on the MAGIX website, which makes clear that for German customers the regular price for renewal of the update service will be €299 - unless I renew blindly within the update period to get an unspecified special price, which I find troublesome concerning the said lack of software innovation.

Sorry, but this means I'm out. That's €25 per month - for another €25 I get the complete set of Adobe CC apps.