Acorn - Unfortunately that's Marketing for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think the website will be updated soon however.

Angelize - Photo filters are coming to the Online Designer soon :) and (still early in development) you should be able to hover over the filters and colours to preview what it will look like. Better font controls is something that has been asked for multiple times and will be added soon hopefully. But I like your idea of producing multiple sets of text styles to to show your customers and pick from one.

I do like a lot of the tools from vectr, being very simple to use and think it's something our designers have seen before as well. If there's a lot of demand for more vector tools we'll certainly look into adding more!

Ernie - Magix don't have any control over the Online Designer :) this is entirely our baby and not being designed to any Magix specification but rather what to what the users want. It won't ask you to install simpliclean either :P
