Unfortunately I can't control where development time is invested, nor what's included in the updates or their frequency but I can understand your frustration in the recent updates. Don't get me wrong, it's something us in support has often criticised as well but ultimately that's all we can do and forward your comments onto management and those who make the decisions :)

BUT I can provide some influence to the Online Designer in trying to get implemented what you want that would make you use it. I get that some people like you mwenz would rather have development purely focused on the desktop version and I know your not alone in that aspect but as before that's nothing I have any control over unfortunately.

I believe there is something in the pipeline to allow you to lock certain objects from being edited when passed to clients so they can only fill out content and not mess with the layout. If there is something that you would absolutely use then please let me know and we can definitely look at it. This isn't limited to a particular area either, literally anything :)