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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    except that you cannot guarantee that what you see will be what your viewer sees at 100% text size - so you will still need to check that out

    don't mean to be unhelpful

    presumably you have got round this problem too:

    well done

    Okay I think we are conflating different issues here.

    My first problem was, given that due to the way the operating system (i.e. all versions of Windows it seems) handles text size, and the resulting fact that I (and an increasingly large number of other users) need to increase our "Textsize DPI" in order to user the operating system comfortably, how can I quickly and easily get my zoom in Xara to show 1 pixel per 1 output pixels when images/graphics are exported? i.e. I simply want to see what is about to be exported on any individual graphic.

    To get clear, in my experience all versions of windows do not change the pixels per inch of *graphics* when the user changes the *text* DPI at the o/s level. [And incidentally this does have bizarre implications particularly for Outlook emails because in Outlook (2003/07/10...) depending on how pages are designed using HTML, the width of the page may increase, but the images on the page remain at the same size. To be more, specific it's fine if you use <TABLE WIDTH=XXX >, the table will actually render at XXX pixels width on the users screen, but it goes wrong if you use styles to define width, at which point the tables and all text increase in width, but the images stay at 1 pixel per 1 pixel in the user's screen. And FWIW, unfortunately almost all email agency email building tools use styles!]

    For completeness, yes it is possible to change the size that a graphic takes up on a browser screen. This is achieved by the user changing the browser zoom away from 100%.

    But an entirely different problem is how do browsers render the space OTHER than actual graphics. As you say this will very much depend on user's settings...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    WD9 Premium has an option for Retina resolution support, i.e. 192dpi, double Windows 96dpi. Text and images (provided the images are of sufficient resolution) are published at 192dpi and appear super crisp and sharp on mobile devices that support this resolution.

    But as far as I can see, you want to publish for your own benefit since you have no control over how other people are viewing your site. Some people may have huge monitors, others tiny monitors, some mobile devices, some will have made the text larger in their browsers. It is not all equal out there.

    Unless I am missing something very obvious here, it appears to me that you are just trying to see how difficult you can make life for yourself.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    WD9 Premium has an option for Retina resolution support, i.e. 192dpi, double Windows 96dpi. Text and images (provided the images are of sufficient resolution) are published at 192dpi and appear super crisp and sharp on mobile devices that support this resolution.

    But as far as I can see, you want to publish for your own benefit since you have no control over how other people are viewing your site. Some people may have huge monitors, others tiny monitors, some mobile devices, some will have made the text larger in their browsers. It is not all equal out there.

    Unless I am missing something very obvious here, it appears to me that you are just trying to see how difficult you can make life for yourself.
    A quick bit of Googling and I still cant quite work out what WD9 Premium is - is it some sort of plugin for Windows?
    If so it sounds potentially interesting - particularly when I buy my next laptop/tablet - which will probably be Full HD.

    As regard my own publishing, I'm afraid that I have no idea what point you are trying to make. In business obviously one tries to publish with as many different setups in mind as possible and if nothing else a site should wrap as well as possible. Most users will not change their default settings so one designs for that primarily. However higher resolution monitors represent a new type of problem because at their default settings the text is often painfully smell for the majority of users. And with improving tecnology and increasing screen resolutions, this is a problem that is only going to get worse. And more and more these users are being FORCED to change their default text size settings. Unfortunately there do not seem to be any stats available about how many people are doing this in either the O/S or in the browser. In other threads users are talking about Microsoft recommending resetting the text DPI to as high as 200%.

    > it appears to me that you are just trying to see how difficult you can make life for yourself.
    Then your perception is faulty.

    But I have comprehensively solved the problem. The solution is to set my Windows textsize DPI to 125% and to use the scroll wheel to view at 80%, and that way I get to see 1 pixel on screen to 1 pixel on exported image AND my normal text size in all my Windows applications has become comfortable. I confess that the Xara application's dialog boxes do start to not fit the text... but not severely at that %age increase. (Although in future versions of Xara I do strongly suggest that Xara developers code their textsizes differently unless they want to alienate all high res tablet owners!).

    Anyhow, job done.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    WD9 Premium - Xara Web Designer 9 Premium is the lastest version of Web Designer Premium from Xara

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    Quote Originally Posted by PeteS View Post
    WD9 Premium - Xara Web Designer 9 Premium is the lastest version of Web Designer Premium from Xara
    OK - thanks

    However this is starting to make my head spin:
    > Text and images (provided the images are of sufficient resolution) are published at 192dpi
    Is he saying that there is a way of creating web pages whereby all browsers render the web pages at 192dpi instead of the usual 96DPI?
    I mean is that something you can put into the HTML - i.e. in effect: show this page at half the normal size?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    No it means XWD9 creates 2 copies of the same image, 1 at 96dpi for most current displays but also creates a second one at 192dpi for retina (high definition) displays now being produced for iPads and other tablets and smart phones.

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  7. #17

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    From the WD9 Help file

    High resolution images

    High resolution images of the kind used by Apple's Retina(R) displays can now be automatically created by Web Designer Premium.

    In order to take advantage of Retina type screens it is normally necessary to create all your web photos and graphics at twice the normal resolution of 96 dpi - that is twice as many pixels per inch both vertically and horizontally which is four times as many pixels per square inch. The downside of this is that your files are now up to four times as large, thus dramatically slowing down your website for all your visitors. For those visitors to your website that do not have high-resolution screens this is an unacceptable penalty.

    Web Designer Premium solves this problem by both automatically creating the high-resolution photos and web graphics for you and also being smart enough to load the correct resolution graphics for the browser being used.

    So this means no speed or download penalty for the non Retina viewers, but for those that do have high-resolution web browsers, they get to see the double resolution imagery, and a much higher quality website.

    This high-resolution creation of images is enabled by default - when you export your website a Retina or high resolution viewer will see the larger resolution images and graphics whilst a standard viewer will see images at a normal resolution. The only thing you have to do - is to make sure that the images you want to appear as high-res are saved in your web pages at a higher resolution than 100 dpi. as this is is the cut off point at which Web Designer Premium assumes you want an image to be rendered as high definition. Images at a resolution below 100 dpi remain as standard definition images. You would not normally need to worry about this as with the feature in its default enabled state all images are optimized at 192 dpi in the Optimize Photo dialog and so therefore well above the threshold for the creation of high resolution images.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: If Win7 textsize = 120%, what Zoom + what "DPI when autogenerated" for 1 to 1 pix

    Yes, setting Windows Textsize to 125% DPI ("Medium") works perfectly because I can use my scroll-wheel with Control held down to wiz straight to 80% zoom in less than a second. And at 80% I get 1 pixel on screen per pixel in exported graphic.



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