That is a very good site considering it is your first with xara. The one thing I would change is make the slideshow on the home page wider so that it fits in nicely. Also on the contact form, it seems a little small, also have you checked out jotform, it produces better forms and there is no 'powered by'. A lighter background would look better and perhaps change the glossy elements such as the header and footer to more modern ones, flat colours would work far better. Also I would left align the navigation as it would look more professional.

Overall though I like the clean information area with not so many colours or pictures. It is good to see new users of xara who are creating websites, as you know one of the benefits of xara web designer is that you can create stunning websites in a very quick time, so to demonstrate my comments above I have created a home page for you quickly, I think it looks cleaner and more modern and suits the subject of your site.

Try something like this, you don't necessarily need the slideshow as long as you have a nice image.