Hello Gary. You & I go back at least 20 years to the i-us days. I'd been creating vector drawings on the BBC computer with Artworks & then on a PC with Xara. But this was in isolation until I finally could afford to buy a modem and went on-line and suddenly found that there were many Xara users in the world freely willing to share their expertises. Non more so than yourself on i-us. Your precise, simple to follow step by step tutorials through the Xara Xone increased my vector drawing skills in leaps and bounds.

You have a skill to convey complicated procedures in easy to follow step by step processes and when it's in danger of getting too complicated/bogged-down you have a fantastic knack of inserting humour which lightens up your tutorials.

So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for having a great input into my vector drawing abilities. Me and I'm sure many others.

I wish You & Mary a long & happy retirement.
