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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Kristiansand, Norway

    Default Repeating bitmaps?

    I'm making some web pages where I'd like to use the same header, with some bitmaps, rects and text on all (or most) pages.
    I used the "Repeat on all pages" command from the Arrange menu, and everything seems to work fine.
    The problem is that Xara exports the same bitmap over and over again - once for each page.
    Is it supposed to do that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    Try holding down shift and click on all the elements that you would like to be repeated on all your pages. You will see that each of them becomes selected as part of a group.

    This is only a temporary grouping and as soon as you click somewhere else without shift down the group will be separate again. Without clicking anywhere else, click arrange > apply soft group (If you want to move them around relative to one-another on other pages). All the objects that you selected will be soft grouped (which you can undo later if you want).

    Then all you have to do is click Arrange > repeat on all pages. Your selection will be repeated on each page. Go to the pages that you don't want certain objects to be, select the soft group, click arrange > remove soft group and delete whatever you want.

    You can always select and apply the soft grouping again (in the same way as before) to move the whole group around, relative to one another if you wish.

    Hope this solves your problem... let me know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Both of you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    Thanks for the welcome Gary!

    Glad to be part of it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Kristiansand, Norway

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    Thanks. So far this seems to happen pretty random? Suddenly I get multiple copies of other repeating images, while some others are gone. They are often not exactly the same size, wit maybe only one px difference in either direcion. Or they may have different file size, but still have the same dimension.
    Looks like it may get confused when you're using names like 'filename="bilde"' ?
    It often ends up with multiple copies, and the filename never is used on the larger version.
    It would be nice if it could use the same name on both, but add an L & S (or a number) to differentiate the versions/sizes?
    And the same should be done when applying the same filename to multiple images IMHO.

    Another thing is that the Highslide often shows some images with wrong aspect. Strangely enough this only seems to happen when run locally, and not when running on the remote server?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Kristiansand, Norway

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Both of you.
    I have actually been using Xara for many years, since long before it was almost choked to death by Corel.
    I've used it a lot for web content, but never before for making the web pages.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default Re: Repeating bitmaps?

    You have me stumped Bjornkn... hasn't happened to me, so can't provide perspective. Magix support is very good... perhaps you should submit a support ticket and upload your project. I had a problem once and they actually corrected an error that i had inadvertently made and sent the project back to me fixed. If you do this and learn what causes the error, please let us know. Unless of course, someone on this forum can help. There are a lot of very experienced folks here.




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