I have to say that the solid real-time rendering of shapes, the expanded object gallery, the solo mode for layers and objects, the opacity masks (which I've not really gotten into yet, but I see a lot of possibilities), and several other things that have changed even since v5, but certainly since 4.0 (or 3.2!), have made this a worthy upgrade for drawing purposes, especially for as quickly as the cost can be recovered.

The extra addded web stuff just makes prototyping a site even that much faster - and whether you create websites or not, as graphic people, there are lots of us who need to create graphics for sites, whether they are designed for other coders, we're doing the code ourselves, or are ultimately going to be exported directly from Xara Designer Pro. Being able to present a live preview of a website for a client is one more thing that seperates me from some of my other local web competition.

Just my $.02

And, really, the interface is a problem for so many people, and I can respect that, but it's a simple keystroke away to get it back to the non-gray version. Seems kind of petty to me.