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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by morphonius_821 View Post
    I guess I'm not talking about your definition of matter...
    It's not mine, it's scientific.
    But if you mean something else, then you can be right. But then by your definition of the matter, soul may be no longer non-material.

  2. #52
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    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by morphonius_821 View Post
    Am i boring you?............................ Shit sorry...
    There's a perfectly log-ic-al reason and you needn't worry.
    My priest installed a soulware patch,
    in the right port? I instructed...

    Now there's a firmware glitch and I'm serially busted...

    So I scolded him... "It's My soul and your entrusted!"
    But he just winked at me and left my hard drive rusted.
    I said "now see here" and it was then he interjected,
    "This is the body of Christ, and your system is infected!"

    Right about then it was his Control I alt Delete,
    shut the process down and hoofed to the street.
    Not daring to look back running for the door,
    I made it just in time to do a system restore...

  3. #53

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    It's not mine, it's scientific.
    But if you mean something else, then you can be right. But then by your definition of the matter, soul may be no longer non-material.
    I have an answer for that too
    I would say as you progress "upwards" (up the tree of dimensions whose head is the divine) that with each level the grade of "matter" which composes each dimension in turn is less course, more refined and in a sphere which is less affected or confined by space and time as we know it...

    i.e when i say less course obviously this is an understatement as for a whole new dimension of matter to co-exist (on a higher level) interwoven with this one but on the whole for the most part be totally separate and invisible.... each step in "density" (new dimensional octave) would be a massive step...
    and obviously I'm not talking just one addition dimension but many.

    IE And that with each step up the influence of space and time effects gets gradually less.
    And that at the dimensional level where these things are completely absent then this is were the soul resides....
    But that there are several levels in between...(of which science knows little or nothing.) which in some key ways correlate to various faculties of human existence...(i.e. our emotions, imaginings and passions- our metal powers,,, ETC...)

    P.S. "Cool" Thanks....
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 12 June 2009 at 03:10 PM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of watching too many episodes of Star Trek.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    In my experience, which is what we're all speaking from, the soul is YOU. That is, everything that makes up you, all your mental, physical attributes as well as the life force within you. All those things that may you, you.
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  6. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    I think your signature tag says it all Ron
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #57
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by morphonius_821 View Post
    I have an answer for that too
    Sorry, that was not a question.
    I was initially saying that soul is considered non-material by the commonly accepted definition of the matter. This has nothing to do with your model of the universe. All that you say does not change this fact. Agree?

  8. #58

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by kinetica View Post
    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of watching too many episodes of Star Trek.
    Now, now i never said i was a Trekkie

    But i would say that the divide between science and religion is one only spawned by the gaping holes in our own understanding of the universe.

    The universe does not adhere to our laws... our laws clumsily attempt to model small bite size pieces of the truth.

    And there are unseen machinations to everything we observe...
    unseen simply because we can not observe them with current technology....

    The first guy to suggest that illness was often caused by organisms too small to be seen was "laughed off the stage".
    Before then there was probably a million and one theories and many thought they had been frowned on by god when they got sick.
    Theres that word again...the one that is a holding tank for everything unknown.

    But hey because everybody thought he was wrong and his idea absurd changes nothing.
    We just had to wait until an instrument was created that could show this.

    The fact is that currently the only instrument capable of examining the super physical realms is the human mind/soul itself and the training required to hone ones faculties sufficiently to achieve such feats is beyond the attention span of most....
    The amount of work required mentally would probably equate to the amount of physical training required to be in olympic gold medal contention.
    But don't let that stop you start your training now LOL http://www.scribd.com/doc/14044787/Concentration-Mouni-Sadhu-eBook-the-Occult-Training-Manual

    That does not mean that "Psychotronic hardware" will not be one day invented.... ie machinery that handles energies which are of the next dimensional octave (ie "atoms" of emotional and metal "matter")...Ie perhaps to image the "astral plane" (to borrow a term) and videotape the souls of the dead.

    The fact is I think is that there are extra dimensions that underpin our reality and also when discovered and mapped out in detail will explain many things and also shine light down on some of life's biggest mysteries.

    It is a big mistake for scientists to feel that they ALMOST have all the answers...and all they need is a few missing links to neatly sew their loose ends together and truly crown themselves as the high priests of reality.
    many have a way too inflated sense of self importance and arrogantly presume they know more than they do....they know really relatively little compared to all there is to know and probably never will discover more than a small percentage of what is possible to be known.

    P.S. that why i also laugh when boffins will scoff at UFO's for example because it is IMPOSSIBLE to travel faster than light...
    not that i want to argue that they positively exist (i have no idea)...but just taking the thing on for arguments sake no-body said they would have to travel in out spatial dimensions (one hypothesis) an also gravity bends space... so it may be theoretically possible to bend your destination on top of you....(i think i just said the same thing...LOL)....

    P.P.S That creaking sound you can hear is the lid being pried open from another can of worms......
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 13 June 2009 at 07:46 AM.

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by kinetica View Post
    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of watching too many episodes of Star Trek.
    We, Vulcans don't watch Star Trek. It is not logical, it lacks consistency and overally is not informative.

    Last edited by covoxer; 13 June 2009 at 07:19 AM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Does "Ross Macintosh" have a soul?

    Quote Originally Posted by geminiguy View Post
    Darn it... I think my install is corrupt.
    Not at all. You have copies of the installer almost in every cell of your body. It's stored in DNA.
    Although, making a clean install is not a good option as all of your data collected and build upon your life experience will be lost. So, your son or a clone will not be quite like you even if it starts with the same software installer.




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