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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    SF, US

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    ok now I'm getting ticked. I just bought XWD 2 weeks ago thinking That was the Website designer and not Xtreme 5 or Xtreme 5 pro.
    I am very new to Xara... they don't easily seem to bill the Xtreme stuff as a website designer but a Graphics designer. At least on the surface, it doesn't look like it would do website design until you dig deeper, but I didn't dig deeper because I was focused on getting a Website designer program.

    So did I buy the wrong thing with XWD? should I have bought the Xtreme 5 or Xtreme 5 pro instead? If it does more website details and you have more control then XWD? then why have XWD at all and just stick with the one product that does the same and more... and bill it as not only a Graphic editor/designer but ALSO a website designer up front. It seems very confusing.
    And I am feeling slightly duped if I bought the less inferior product for website design. I just thought the other xara products were for graphic design work and did not have a focus on being able to create websites with them. And you say it is the same but more....

    so am I now going to have to get Xtreme 5??? would the projects I made with XWD be able to open for editing in Xtreme 5?
    i feel stupid now.

    Last edited by Eyescream; 09 June 2009 at 07:47 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    Web Designer is a truncated version of the Xtreme5, and Xtreme5 is a truncated version of the XtremePro5.
    On the Web features side, WD has all the functionality present in X5 and XPro5. What is missing in WD are design features, like drawing tools,DTP functionaluity, export/import filters to the formats not used in web designs, more advanced bitmap editing tools e.t.c.
    That's why it is a Web Designer - it is sufficient to do this task. On the other hand, Xtreme can do much more and so it is more expensive.
    If web designs is all you need, it may be not worth to upgrade to Xtreme as it's advanced features may be of little use for you. But if you need them, you are free to upgrade - all your WD designs will work well with Xtreme5/XtremePro5.
    Hope it helps.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    SF, US

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    thanks John,
    It was just frustrating to learn there was another program that did more (though no inclination on their home page without reading about the program features).
    I work a lot in photoshop with my own art and such... so maybe xtreme5 would have been good for similar features within the designing of my site.
    ugh now one more thing to potentially purchase.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    London, UK

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    I do hope you haven't been wasting my time.
    Hopefully it's now obvious to you that he wasn't.

    Xara ought to create a page similar to http://www.xara.com/uk/products/xtreme/advanced/ and http://site.xara.com/products/xtreme/whatsnewpre4.asp to detail the differences between XWD, XX5 and XXP5

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    Eyescream - part of the issue is that Xara Xtreme Pro 5 wasn't available until a few days ago. If you were looking a few weeks ago, you wouldn't have seen it.

    The web side updates in xwd over xtreme 4 are significant enough that I actually started using xwd for web stuff and xtreme 4 for the graphics that xwd couldn't create on its own, but now that xx5 and xx5pro are out, there are a lot of new things that appeal to me. I hate that I have to buy another application too, but I kinda look at xwd as a preview of things to come for the whole $39. Xtreme Pro 5 is looking like a really good application for ME and will likely be a purchased upgrade.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    full purchase prices
    $049 – Xara Web Designer 5
    $089 – Xara Xtreme 5
    $249 – Xara Xtreme Pro 5

    The cost to upgrade from Web Designer to Xtreme 5 is $39. Doing so brings your total investment to $88. That virtually identical to Xtreme 5's full purchase price.

    The cost to upgrade from Web Designer to Xtreme Pro 5 is $199. Doing so brings your total investment to $248. That virtually identical to Xtreme Pro 5's full purchase price.

    In either case, there is no doubling up ... no overpayment.

    Xtreme or XtremePro feature set.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Florida, USA

    Default Re: Just a quick layer question....

    Hey Sledger....if you see this.........

    ok... I thought I had Xtreme 5.... but I had 4.

    I didn't even know there was a 5.

    So I upgraded... and you... are.... right!

    Xtreme 5 is totally amazing.... it has everything and more that is in all the wish
    lists for WD.

    I finally get what WD is about... smaller, quick sights. ($49)





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