I just thought I would stick my nose in this thread and give my opinion, for what it's worth.

For myself, I use a 10 year old html editor to do my modifications (siteaid), but I found the hardest part of doing a web page is the conception, what colour scheme, background, where and what images, etc, etc, etc., which I would do roughly on a piece of paper first, which is still not a bad idea in my opion.

Once the conception or plan has been made, the rest if relatively simple using whatever program you use. If you give your site to somebody else to maintain it just may be easier for that person to redo your whole site in his program rather than fooling around with your code, as long as he has access to all the folders with your images, etc. Using a wysiwyg program it would probably be only a matter of a couple of hours to redo the site.

The biggest mistake I have run accross is where two or more persons have access to the site to make modifications. Person one modifies a page and uploads it and person 2 will modify the same page and upload it, over writting the modifications made by the first person. The only way to get around this is with good communication or else downloading every page from the web before you modify it yourself, and then upload the modified version.

The best of the best in my opinion is if only one person is responsible for maintaining and modify the site. If you wish somebody else to maintain it, it may be better to let them build it. Make your design in xara, save it as a jpeg and show it to them; I want this like this, put this image here, linking to there: You did the hard part, the creation is relatively simple............frank