I agree that these are early days for Chrome. And to answer your question, yes I have reported it to Google.

JavaScript has been with us since the very early days of the Internet and as a programming language it is a mature, well-defined and established part of web development. If Chrome is not rendering certain JS-based functions correctly, then that is a major concern, because this lies deep within the core of the browser and is not just an "oops lets fix it" type of issue.

As a test I created sample drop-down and fly-out menus but did not use WS4. These were rendered perfectly by Chrome. So at this stage it appears as if the rendering problem may be confined to menus created using WS4. That would be a major problem, because it is extremely unlikely that Google will modify core code in Chrome to accommodate sites developed using WS4.

WS4 drop-down and fly-out menus have worked without any issues for years in all versions of IE, Firefox and Opera. Developers should therefore be confident that the WS4 code is standards-compliant and is robust and that any problems are browser-related and not WS4-related.

However, I believe that it is incumbent upon Xara to assign some resources to investigate the cause of this issue. If it is a WS4 problem then we need a fix. If it is a Chrome problem then Xara need to exert pressure on Google to rectify the browser rendering engine.

It is almost certain that Chrome will become a major browser within 3 years, so core issues like this need to be addressed early in the process. It will be too late once the core code in Chrome is finalised.
