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View Poll Results: Do you have your own website?

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  • Yes

    236 85.20%
  • No

    41 14.80%
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  1. #51

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    I have a web site. It doesn't any JavaScript in its make up because I know that many people run with JavaScript disabled for security reasons. Then menus etc that rely on JavaScript don't show in the site. So, it's just lots of hyperlinks. Not particularly modern looking:


  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?


    Javascript isn't an issue,go here http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp


  3. #53

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    JavaScript can be an issue if it has been turned off in the browser. I note some do this.
    Last edited by Mart; 30 September 2007 at 09:26 PM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Good catch Risto.

    More good information for IE users can be found here:

    Privacy Problems in Microsoft Internet Explorer - IE6 and IE7
    Sept 2007

    According to F-PROT JS/Clipboard.IE.exploit was discovered in 2002.
    Thanks Sledger (and Risto).

    I checked out the above link and my clipboard was safe (I tried with Firefox, since that's my usual browser). Phew (though there were no warnings).


  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Hi Mart,

    There was a discussion about the rules of building sites here a short time ago
    There was a mentioning whether you should use all the rules or not.
    It wasn't conclusive
    If you want to make sites for "everybody" then stop in this line of work,
    You must know what the vast majority will have installed or is using,
    so 94% using javascript gives me an okay to use it.
    Most people get a computer and install their software and that's it.

    If one really wants you can put viruses in jpg's
    Does this keep you from using pics on your sites,if this is answered yes
    then you got 1 page with hyperlinks to what?
    You'd better be off to post it through the mail.
    (this isn't a complaint about your using only hyperlinks or what you do with your site)

    In Dutch there's a saying;"Meten is weten"
    This means roughly;if you want to be sure about something,analyze and measure it.
    This is why I posted the browser statistics page.

    So do benefit from it(safest browsing is NOT browsing)


  6. #56

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Point taken Hans ..but if you frequent security forums quite a bit (that's me), this is where you might find those who run with JavaScript disabled, or use Firefox's NoScript extension. Also, although the percentage listed in the web page you linked to may be small, I suppose it must still represent a good number of people. I appreciate that you cannot please all of the people all of the time though.

    Anyway, I don't know why I wouldn't have JavaScript in my site. Nobody visits it unless directed to it. It's not that important if people don't view it. It was just a pastime for a year or so. In fact, I don't browse myself with JavaScript disabled because some page content of sites may not show.

    I prefer to let the browser run unfettered inside a sandbox. This has saved me on one occasion where a link clicked on redirected the browser to a site with malware present. I've no doubt this wouldn't have happened if JavaScript had been disabled. However, the problem was contained within the sandbox, so no damage was done. Emptying the sandbox deleted the browsing session.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Hi Mart,

    Only wanted to say,that me being a person who likes to make nice looking things for people to watch(that's why we're here on TalkGraphics)
    I'd like my audience to be as big as possible,so i use javascript and flash
    to show of the things i want(at last I'm starting to)
    Indeed you want to keep it as secure as possible for you as developer and for you as watching things yourself.


  8. #58
    Unregistered Guest

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Quote Originally Posted by haakoo View Post
    I'd like my audience to be as big as possible,so i use javascript and flash
    By using java and flash you will actually have less visitors. You can't say "Oh 90% uses java script so I should have java script on my site" or "90% have Flash installed so I should be using Flash."

    You don't get more visitors because you support it, that's pure nonsense! Lots of people have Flash installed because some sites require it. However, at the same time people tend to avoid sites that are heavily "flashed".
    Take my wife, she ignores 90% of all flash sites and only has flash installed because our youngest wants to play a flash game on her computer now and then.

    Then you have those people who have indeed Javascript turned off. Then you have the issue of search engines that don't like flash and java script, so you will suffer in your search engine rankings, which again will also have a negative effect on your traffic.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    By using java and flash you will actually have less visitors. You can't say "Oh 90% uses java script so I should have java script on my site" or "90% have Flash installed so I should be using Flash."

    You don't get more visitors because you support it, that's pure nonsense! Lots of people have Flash installed because some sites require it. However, at the same time people tend to avoid sites that are heavily "flashed".
    I take your point about flash and search engine ranking, though there are strategies to mitigate that problem.

    The flaw in your anti-flash stance is that many people (myself included) are positively drawn to *some* flash sites because of their design or interaction.

    It might be that a stroll to the fwa (favourite website awards) http://www.thefwa.com/ might be interesting to see how many static websites are in there that don't use flash or Ajax (actionscript).

    I would argue that you and your wifes web usage is atypical of the web these days, though no doubt you might say the same of me!

    Despite my pro-flash stance, having flash on a site doesn't make it good (there are some awful flash sites, as you have alluded to) and conversely there are some excellent plain html sites (and we all know of many bad ones).

    You don't have to use flash or javascript to have a good website, but if you are skilled and with an artistic or design talent you can have a superb one with a technology such as flash.

    Sometimes I have built websites that specifically don't have flash or javascript. Usually this is because of budget or time constraints. It's easier in many ways to build a website just using plain html and a bit of css, but the end result is not going to be very dynamic and will inflict the user with page refreshes all the time. It's easy to be bland with html.

    Don't get me wrong, the customers are happy with their html sites it does the job within their budget and is far better than having no website at all.

    It can be argued that flash and javascript just add froth to the proceedings and have little value.

    What's the problem with straightforward with plain old html websites without bells and whistles? There's no problem, but consider this: The web world doesn't exist outside of the world at large and ultimately this is all about communication (and sometimes entertainment).

    Take a look at a few TV programmes. Imagine those animated graphics on the news - how effective would it be if it was replaced by plain text for us to read? What about that film clip on the news? imagine that replaced by a photograph. How about wallace and grommit? would you prefer some still pictures with text to read?

    I can sense uproar at comparing the TV with a web page, but in terms of communication the same principles apply to visual mediums. It used to be that on the web we didn't have a choice about animated graphics and video, just because the technology didn't support it. With the advent of flash and broadband technologies (to name but two), there's little barrier to creating a web experience that is as effective as television rather than create the online equivalent to a newspaper or newsletter.

    In conclusion, after redressing the anti-flash view, I would imagine that most people on the talkgraphics forums will be best served with html and a bit of css, because it gives effective results and is achievable with a basic web skillset. Getting good results with flash requires a greater personal investment in learning flash skills to go that stage further. It's perfectly possible to make your site worse by adding bad flash content to it.

    Whether you use html and/or flash or any other technology, the overriding consideration that will decide how effective and/or entertaining is going to be artistic and graphic design talent.

    Whatever you choose, good luck with it and think beyond the statistics and prejudice. Whether you will use flash on your own website (or not), make sure you install the flash player so that you don't get stuck with the old style web.

    Last edited by pauland; 04 October 2007 at 11:22 AM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Do you have your own website?


    My English was a bit off here;
    I know you don't generate more traffic but does it look better,no
    In conjunction with Pauland statement,I'm on a graphics forum and as far as i know people here are making beautiful things they want to show.
    So,IMHO, i think you must make it stand out to show it.

    Last edited by haakoo; 04 October 2007 at 11:42 AM.




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