Oh my, the new Update brings Albacore problems with PDF import, the PDF export isn't compatible with Corel Draw, there is this ominously layer bug, the progress bar error isn't repaired, the SVG export is not complete and SVG import isn't available in the year 2007, I don't see necessary improvements to the text tool, the text antialiasing problem isn't addressed, named colors aren't automatically added to the color bar, and all in all there are no new vector features available (no, I wouldn't talk about the missing scripting functionalities, because it seems to be utopian to expect such a thing from Xara).

All in all I'm really willing to support the further development of Xara Xtreme Pro. But I'm not willing to support these strategies to sold $49,- updates and increase the price tag for Xara Xtreme Pro from $199,- to $249,- and try to argue this with a bundle of (in my eyes) not so professional tools like Xara 3D there and another old MAGIX tool there. And that means, that I'm not willing to invest money in such kind of "progress".

I need a professional product with new vector tools and some of the discussed new feature ideas in this forum.

I will wait for the next upgrade/update, in order to see whether the Xara developers are really listen to the needs of their professional users and their tons of suggestions for a better Xara Xtreme Pro - postead already here in this forum.
