Big stores like Amazon, Sears, BestBuy, Wal-mart & FutureShop aren't accepting orders for wii's. I personally wish they'd take all the pre-purchases customers are willing to make. I can wait until they can fill the order and am willing to pay now to get into a que. I think many frustrated shoppers would be too. That stores aren't, to me at least, is bad customer service. (They seem to just want you to come into the store 500 times to check on availability and hope you'll buy something else).

Amazon used to have a feature where they'd notify you when the product was available for purchase. At some point they decided to cancel that but didn't bother to advise all the people who had previously requested to be notified. Again, in my book that's bad customer service.

The hard part is the store flyers continue to advertise wii units even though they have no stock. To me that's unethical as those adverts get people to come to the store. Nintendo continue to put ads on TV promoting them even though there's already significantly more demand than they can supply.

The only store I've seen that is trying to help customers here in Canada is Zellers. Any wii units they get in through the week they save for a weekly draw. Customers can get a ticket. If your number is drawn you can buy one of those units. (You have to be in the store at the time of the draw). I participated in one. Close to 150 people showed up for a drawing of two units.

It's frustrating.