Gerry - This is excellent ! That SVG-to-*.xar import/conversion
works great for me, even on slightly older releases (as far back as
three days ago :-)

Since you are familiar with this command line function, perhaps
you can suggest a similar command line sequence for EXPORTING
SVG from a finished *.xar file ?
(note - I tried many variations of the command you had suggested for
import, trying to export the SVG - but all without success) - here are
a few I tried which failed:
xarasvgfilter -e file.svg < file.xar
xarasvgfilter -e file.xar > -x file.svg
...note, again, these aren't documented syntax, just guessing... I dont
see any documentation for those binaries.

Also, Gerry, or anyone in the know... what difference is there
between the two binaries xarasvgfilter /and/ xarasvgfilterui ?
It occurred to me, since xarasvgfilter worked for importing, the
other might be for export ? If so, still lacking syntax for an actual
command line export.

much thanks / stuseven

Quote Originally Posted by GerryI View Post

Can you try running the filter from the command line, e.g.

xarasvgfilter -i -f inputfile.svg > outputfile.xar

...should convert the svg file to a xar file which you should be able to load into XaraLX.

xarasvgfilter -c -f inputfile.svg

...should print a number between 0 and 10 (0 if it isn't an SVG file and 10 if it is).
