Quote Originally Posted by Initiostar View Post
Joy, can you send a screenshot including the WOW slider background with the client's preferred outcome and I will take a look tomorrow. MouseOver has little effect in the mobile/tablet world (touch devices); the bigger challenge is to create a site that looks good across mobile, tablet and desktop. Forget about filling the screen - the pasteboard is your friend on the desktop and can help balance the visual image the visitor sees. I'd adopt Acorn's comments on the dropdown menus, but depending on what the WOW slider background is meant to achieve, it may be possible to manage the menus differently to better effect.


Hi Gary, here is a link to the site in progress. http://www.designerjabs.com/CLCA-website/index.htm. Mind you, this is before any links have been added, or menu bars fixed according to the advice I've been given. I have been working on changes all day and have not updated since yesterday. But the look of the main menu bar is what the client wants. (Except, now I know why those mouseovers won't work until they rollover beyond where grouped objects overlap!) The client wants that rollover, they want the font large - easy to read, they want the buttons evenly spaced, they want those box colors in the back ground. I'm trying to figure out how to keep the font large without the groupings overlapping so that the rollover effect can still happen and the drop-down sub menu stays open to be able to click on the links. HA! Tall order, I know! Sigh... For now, I've changed the rollover to click and open popup, where the site visitor can then click on the links. However, once I got all the header elements working satisfactorily, I made them all repeating and voila! none of them work when viewed in the browser! Me thinks I've chewed off more than Xara can handle...

Apparently, I'm uneducated in how to make use of my pasteboard... do tell! I will be making at least one mobile variant and realize it's going to be a bear. Sigh... The WOW Slider will not be used for that. And the menu bar will be completely different. However, it was suggested to me that once I have the main website completed, setting it to Scale-to-fit-Width could eliminate the need to create a tablet sized version, that I should only need to make a mobile phone-size version.

I'm happy to share the files I'm working with here, but not sure how to do that with the WOW Slider files and folders as part of the working document... other than a link to my G-Drive where I could share it. Thoughts?