Quote Originally Posted by Mark321
... well over $1000...
just one program [TB Harmony Premium 15] I have costs this all by itself, but at least it's a perpetual licence; all things are relative, but when I see moans about how much Adobe charge for subs, I think good job they don't need Maya which is currently 204 GBP a month....

but more to the point maybe, re imaging, it enables you to restore all your stuff in one go

and if you have a cloning option then you can restore onto a new computer - but will need to sort out licences once that is done of course [ and some drivers too more than likely, although win 10 is quite good at doing a lot of that for you]

I stared doing it back in the days of win XP when I had to seriously hack the OS to get it to do what I needed and it would regularly fall over every couple of months... Win 10 is a whole load better in that respect too....