Well, let me tell you a story...

Once upon a time, there was a young photographer who loved shooting on film. Then, one day, there was this new thing on the market, a camera that could take pictures without film, a digital camera. Of course the image quality was inferior to film and the young photographer would pooh-pooh this new technology. It would never be as good as film. In fact, while in college the young photographer wrote an essay in English class about how film was so much better than digital images and digital would never live up to the standards of film, mainly because film had been around for such a long time.

In the end, though, digital was here to stay. And it got better and better. Now, years later, that young photographer uses digital cameras all the time. A change of heart, maybe?
Well, in the end that photographer learned a very important lesson. The world moves on. It gets better and better. So, now, that young photographer is no longer young but he learned to embrace the changes that are destined to take place. He now thinks, "go with the flow or you'll get heart-broken often".

Now, that photographer is older and sees even newer technology on the horizon. Many professional photographers are scared of that new technology. But the technology is coming, no matter what. The new technology is called "mirrorless" cameras. And the old photographer has already bought one and couldn't be more happy while others are pooh-poohing it. He smiles because he has learned the lesson from long ago about embracing change instead of resisting it.

That photographer was me.

Embrace change. Don't let it get you down. If you'll embrace the changes of life, life will be so much easier. At least that's what this old photographer has learned.
