I'm back to head banging.
I've spent about 6 hours on link problems.
The first one isn't a problem after all.
WD 6 appears to disable by default links that point to the current page.
Other's weren't problems either.
In one case mouse overs weren't working because I haven't anything on the mouse over layer.
But the current problem is a problem I think.
here is the web page.
as noted above buttons which refer to the current page don't work.
so the tournament button is ok.
but the other three should work. they work on every other page.

I've tried everything I can think of.
Here are some of the things I've done with no effect.
Lets just take the rate button.
There is one group (rectangle and text) on the mouse off page.
And one group on the mouse over page.
There was no soft group to start.
I've checked the web properties of the group and text on both layers.
They all point to the rates page.
although initially they had different links.

Now when I move the button on layer 1 off away from the underneath button, it works.
Also the button on layer 2 shows in this case when I preview the page, which it shouldn't.

Also if I erase the button on layer 2, then the rates button on layer 1 works.

When I lift up the course and "other" buttons, the buttons on layer 2 are not visible underneath them on preview.

If I erase all the buttons on layer 1, then on layer 2, the buttons which don't work show up in preview, but not the buttons which work.

It seems to me that nothing on the mouseover layer should appear at all unless I hover over an object above it.

Finally I deconstructed and recontructed the rate button completely.
I made sure that the button on layer was a group.
Then the same for two.
I then created a softgroup of the two.
I reentered the link on layer one.
And then checked the button and the text on all to make sure there was no contradictory links.

Then I've tried moving things forward.
I've tried moving things to the front.
I've tried moving things backward.

I've tried deleting one of the buttons that doesn't work on layer two to see if it is somehow affecting the other.

Nothing works

Any suggestions.

Obviously I can get rid of the buttons on layer 2 and just forgo the mouse over effects.

But I would like to know what the heck is going on.