I must say that I think that it is brilliant that Xara have allowed for first, middle and last buttons in the navigation bar tool. For an automated solution this allows for some impressive looking nav-bars.

Not being able to convert a quick shape to an editable shape in XWD made creating my end buttons somewhat more challenging (I had to use a different method than normal) but none the less fun.

I am ever so slightly disapointed that you can't change the button backgrounds on the sub-menus. I would have liked to add a simple linear fill on the backgrounds to give a raised/sunken look/impression. This is extremely minor however. An even better option would have been to allow the user to create a seperate button that the user could define as a sub-menu button; much like you can create a nav-bar from a button. Again, I think that this is a very minor thing. If I want fancy graphics for my sub-menus, I can still do things the old way.
