
It just occurred to me that I can have one Master page and multiple layers I can turn on in response to menu buttons. However, this concept leads to some questions:

1. Once turned ON, is there a way to turn the layer OFF programmatically?

2. I tried the method and found that the page itself is lengthened if the layer content is longer than the page. Is there a way to shorten the page to its originally length programmatically? A long blank page creates unwanted scrolling of a blank page.

3. It would seem that the one-page/multiple-layers concept would be faster than having many separate pages. WAIT! Come to think of it, loading might be slower because the page has to load everything. Then again, that's what frames are for. How about a comment on this. Am I thinking correctly?

If this reasoning is folly, the answer, whatever it is, will lead to my better understanding XWD.

