Hi Sledger and Curtis,
I want to thank you guys again for your help.

I was going to go to sleep, but here's what I just found...

  • I took Sledger's example (the gallery) and opened it - ran it, and of course it worked.
  • Checked the code and thought "what the heck - this is EXACTLY what I did - so why doesn't mine work?"
  • Then I noticed you talking about hiding the script object, like that was important. On my original example I just dragged the script object off the side of the page so you can't see it. So I thought "I wonder what happens if I drag Sledger's script object off the side of the page?". And guess what - now Slegder's example gnerates the same error as mine!

Holy broken bones Batman - can it be THAT SIMPLE??? You need to keep the script object within the boundaries of the page or it doesn't work?

And yes indeed friends, it is. I took my example, dragged the script onto the page and it worked first time. I had the gosh darned code right all along.

Thank you both for the time you put in. Much appreciated. but please somebody tell me that this was in the instructions somewhere and I missed it!!!

I swear on Thorgar's Hammer that I will create a simple video tutorial so that some other poor buffoon doesn't have to go through that one
