IMHO, I think it was a marketing mistake to create and release WD if Xara's intent was to keep the web features in Xtreme. It was also deceptive by omission. Clearly it isn't going to cost any more to upgrade to Xtreme 5 if you purchased WD. That's not the point. The point is that by releasing WD Xara gave the impression that Xtreme 5 may not include the web features and might possibly include something new and exciting, hence all the disgruntled vector tools people. To Xara's credit, you did do some much needed enhancements to Xtreme. But a lot focus on web tools for Xtreme is a mistake. I think Xara has created a dead duck in WD and won't ultimately continue to upgrade it as it's user base won't grow. I think Xara's "marketing calculations" need adjusting. Again, just my opinion, but Xara should have diverged the product lines by moving all the web features into WD and focused Xtreme around vector tools and print. Again, again, this is just my opinion.