Actually two issues......

First I added an additional page to my XWD design. I had two pages now have three. naturally, I added a button to the nav bar and pointed the new button to the new page on the web properties/link tab dialog. Dropdown now shows <next page> <prev page> PLUS pages 1 2 and 3; like is should.

So button one points to page 1, button 2 to page 2, etc..... problem is that button 2 AND 3 now cause the new page to display even though that's not the way it's specified. I can no longer get to page two from my navbar even though all three buttons are set correctly in the web properties dialog.

Second problem..... (independent of the first??) create new layer on page three. drag a balloon from the design gallery on the new layer. Go into web properties for another object on the page and set mouseover tab to popup the new layer. In other words, I want the balloon to show ONLY when I roll the mouse over the other (placeholder) object. Nope...... Balloon shows at all times.

BTW, you can't drag the balloon from the design gallery DIRECTLY on the new layer. It INSISTS on going onto the mouseoff layer. I had to let it do that and then cut it from mouseoff layer and paste onto the new layer. Not a dealbreaker, but I think that stuff dragged from the design gallery should go onto the active layer. I can live with this, but think it's a bug.

Ya know, the concepts of this tool are fantastic. But either I'm stupid (highly likely) or there's much missing in the execution.

Thanks all...... especially you Mr. Taylor
