It seems lots of speed improvements have been implemented in this release, which is a great thing, except when it interferes with your work. I noticed that if I have a circular gradient, for example, and I want to invert the direction of the gradient, i.e. make it transparent in the centre and opaque at the edges [which is the way I always want it], I now have to be very, very careful. Previously, I would have changed one end of the gradient from 0 to 100, or vice versa, then changed the other. In v4, if I try this the gradient reverts to flat as soon as the two ends of the gradient have the same value, so I have to move one slider to the middle, then move the other value from 100 to 0, then go back to the first value and finish moving it. It is incredibly annoying and is slowing my work down a lot. Even if I get used to it, it still requires a lot more steps to do something relatively simple.

Fixing this issue would be great but what would be even better is a button to reverse the gradient direction or to set a default gradient.