Quote Originally Posted by ewraysure View Post
What reasons are there for not creating a sitemap (either in Xara or WebPlus, say) and linking each page (all 200+) individually to the Site Map?
Mainly one of tedium as it would all be manual.
You could create a 15-button NavBar and have all 200 pages hang off the top menu buttons. This could be added to each and every page. Each page still needs to have a relative URL so under Places > Exeter, you might have a page "The West Country Years" (filename: thewestcountryyears; sub-folder: exeter), your page link would have to be entered as exeter/thewestcountryyears.htm. Change this once means you have to update all 15 sub-sites to keep the NavBars in synch.

My suggestion would be to have your 15 Subjects in a top level index page. Each of the Subject sub-sites would have their own NavBar (without the need for relative addressing). Each page would have a 16-button (Home+15 Subjects) row of buttons that only need creating the once.

Easier to manage.
