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Thread: Instant e-mail

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Provence, France

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Hi there,

    Pleased to see that you have at last understood the question !

    I agree that it is very much a Catch 22 type situation but there must be a solution... many commecial sites have 'one click do this buttons !' sending a mail should be feasible

    Unfortunately most of the people likely to see this webpage are over 70 and not particularly PC aware.. the whole idea is to make it as easy as possible, otherwise it simply will not work.

    Creative solutions please


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Quote Originally Posted by zapatak View Post
    Many commercial sites have 'one click do this buttons !' sending a mail should be feasible
    It is, but what is missing here is that invariably those sites will have a logon and through the logon and cookies they will know your email from the time that you register with them. The one-click is fine if you have logged on.

    I am going to say very explicitly you cannot have a button that captures the users email address and sends you an email with nothing but a button click and it's quite right that it's not possible.

    If you want to appeal for funds, put it on the website and don't try and spam them.

    If you insist on the email route, use a form and give them an opportunity to enter their email, or use a mailto.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Provence, France

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Woah !

    Please leave the hypocritical ethics out of the discussion!

    The only person who would receive the email address is the webmaster, he along with the president and treasurer of the association, already posses the addresses of all members including phone numbers and street addresses.

    The idea is simply to make it easier for the members who are willing to participate to do so, there is not the slightest intention or suggestion of spamming them.

    Another option I was considering is the use of a QR code embedded in a page, once scanned it can send the request for details with a single click, the details of which can then be forwarded to the users email client.

    Keep up the good work


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Quote Originally Posted by zapatak View Post
    Another option I was considering is the use of a QR code embedded in a page, once scanned it can send the request for details with a single click, the details of which can then be forwarded to the users email client.
    You seem determined to make a simple proposition more complicated. If your audience is tech naive, I don't see how a QR is a way of addressing that.

    Good luck.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Provence, France

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Good point !

    I think that less than half of them have completed the VR tour.... access by QR code

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    How about having a simple one line form where they fill in their email address? You could have an explanation above it saying you will send a pre-written email back to them that they can forward to whoever they feel may want to help.

    Simple and totally transparent.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Provence, France

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the suggestion and it is still under consideration...

    I have placed a form on the website to collect annual membership fees, unfortunately it is very rarely used. The members prefer to write out a cheque whilst standing in front of the treasurer at the first annual meeting; Imagine the queues....

    I am still hoping that an imaginative and inventive forum member will suggest a one click solution, otherwise I will use a two click mailto solution with plenty of simplified explanations...

    Enjoy the heatwave


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Heatwave? It's mid winter here and down to 16°C. Jumpers, socks and closed windows time. This is Australia, not Austria

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Provence, France

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris M View Post
    Heatwave? It's mid winter here and down to 16°C. Jumpers, socks and closed windows time. This is Australia, not Austria
    Sorry Chris, didn't want to make you jealous..

    We are expecting 44° here in the south of France on friday... Lethargy rules and it is difficult to drag myself out of the pool to get to grips with Xara! it is more of a winter thing...

    We spent three weeks in Tasmania last year looking after a herd of Kashmir goats ! Loved every minute !


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Instant e-mail

    Quote Originally Posted by zapatak View Post
    The members prefer to write out a cheque whilst standing in front of the treasurer at the first annual meeting; Imagine the queues....
    Now there was the opportunity to collect emails..

    I am still hoping that an imaginative and inventive forum member will suggest a one click solution
    I'm exactly the same, but I haven't won the Lotto.



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