I'm very curious as to how this time lapse Flash is done. Any light offered on technique, necessary authoring software, etc. would be appreciated. =)
I'm very curious as to how this time lapse Flash is done. Any light offered on technique, necessary authoring software, etc. would be appreciated. =)
Last edited by cursor; 31 December 2010 at 03:47 PM.
cursor = curTIS sorENSON
xWD5 & xX5 Multi-Level Navbar Tutorial | xWD5 & xX5 DropDown Video Tutorial
It looks to me like it is only 2 photographs, one in the morning (6:10am) and one at night (7:40pm). Then some sort of morphing technique is used. If you look at the boats in the harbor, the ones in the day will slowly fade out as the cursor moves toward the bottom of the picture and the boats in the night picture slowly fade in.
That is an awesome effect. Not at all intuitive but effective.
I suspect it was built in Flash because of the control device.
Gary W. Priester
gwpriester.com | eyetricks-3d-stereograms.com | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
I would expect it to be done in flash too. For time-lapse you just need a series of images and basically it's just a fade from one image to another. Looking at this example, I don't think it's a true-time lapse sequence. If you look at the ship that faces us two thirds of the way down - it has another ship berthed right behind. Watch that ship as you move the time lapse control.
As time passes you would expect ships to move and in general things to flit-around as things go about their business. That ship doesn't move, nor does it suddenly dissappear and you can see that the light reflections on the water at night go over the ship as time progressess. If this were true time-lapse photography that wouldn't happen.
In terms of flash this isn't too hard a project to do with a bit of programming.
[edit: if you also look very low down there is a jetty with a smaller boat entering from the open water. In true time-lapse you would see that boat move rather than fade.]
Looking at it would say it's just 2 photographs with the night one's alpha set at 0, then that photo's alpha is increased or decreased in increments in relation to the cursor's y position, I used a very similar piece of programming for a photography test site that hid the site's navigation so that the whole picture could be viewed full screen.
Thanks for all of the input above.
What Flash creation programs can author this effect? I assume that Xara's offerings cannot.
cursor = curTIS sorENSON
xWD5 & xX5 Multi-Level Navbar Tutorial | xWD5 & xX5 DropDown Video Tutorial
You could get a similar effect using Xara's flash creation. The basic effect is created by two overlaid images and making one transparent and the other opaque. Just vary that over several frames. The tracking of the mouse and the info following the mouse won't be possible with Xara.
Hey guys! Do you have sample pictures? I'm a newbie in photography and in photoshop as well.