Hi Everyone, sorry for the delay, spent most of last week with a cold and then come back to the hectic release of V16!

There should be an announcement, if there isn't I'll check with Kate as I imagine one will be coming very soon.

As with version 12 as well, you will need to download V16 from the website (as mentioned by Daniel earlier link here if you need it) as it is a major version and requires a new installer. You can install V16 alongside V15 and they will all share the same serial number (although you will need to re-enter your serial number).

If you purchased the humble bundle version then this will only work for the version that was offered (in case of the last offer - v15.1). I'm just inquiring with sales as to what Humble Bundle users need to do to upgrade to version 16 if they want to. Will update my post as soon as I find out.

We will only offer Xara in 64 bit from now on also. I'm afraid we will no longer be offering 32 bit versions of Xara.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Kind Regards